Dwayne Tannant - Ph.D., P.Eng.
Dwayne provides specialist consulting and peer reviews for GeoPacific clients. His expertise includes geohazard assessment and mitigation, rock support for surface and underground excavations, and rockfall mitigation for civil and mining engineering applications.
Dwayne is a registered Professional Engineer in British Columbia and Alberta and enjoys fieldwork in challenging terrain. He uses drones and photogrammetry techniques to acquire field data safely and rapidly.
Dwayne Tannant has been a geotechnical engineering professor since 2008 at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus and is semi-retired from that position. He was a professor at the University of Alberta for a decade and previously worked in the underground mining industry in eastern Canada. Dr. Tannant has a Ph.D. in geotechnical engineering from the University of Alberta and a B.A.Sc. degree in geological engineering from the University of British Columbia.